Monday, March 16, 2009

Bakugan - The Battle Begins

Bakugan Battle Brawlers: The Battle Begins is an OEL manga/graphic novel. The art is actually created by incorporating full-color stills from the animated show Bakugan into a comic book format. This first volume (of two planned volumes) introduces the main character, his friends and rivals, and the world of Bakugan.

Here’s the general concept: one day, cards started dropping from the sky all over the world. Young people around the world used the cards to create a new game they call Bakugan, and the Internet helps them to communicate with one another. Later, players discovered that the cards had real power. Each card contains a battling beast which comes to life when a card is thrown down in combat. Bakugan’s main character, Dan Kuso, discovers that the cards may hold even more magic than anyone imagined, and there may be a real other universe behind the battling beasts.

The Bakugan, Dragonoid, who will soon become Dan's closest ally, begins to explain the origins of Bakugan and the Dimension of Vestroia. His quest is to find Naga who holds the key to power in the two parallel universes, Earth and Vestroia. Drago must eliminate Naga if he hopes to restore order. But Naga has absorbed incredible amounts of energy and may be too powerful to defeat!